Exercise, Nutrition, and Well-Being

Exercise, Nutrition, and Well-Being


We have all heard about how important it is to stay active and eat right. Now we know that exercising, following a heart-healthy diet, socializing, and keeping your brain active can slow the progression of dementia.

Strategies to Eating Well

  • “Would My Grandma Recognize This?”
    • When picking up something at the store, ask yourself this question. Remember natural food just exist, they do not have added ingredients.
  • Check the Label
    • Always look at the nutrition label. Be very careful of products with lots of unpronounceable ingredients.
  • Look for Sugar
    • If sugar, sometimes known as high fructose corn syrup or sucrose, is one of the first three ingredients then consider other options.
  • Avoid Shopping in Center Aisles
    • Most of the time, natural foods, like produce, meat, and dairy are kept on the store’s edges – not in central aisles. Try spending more time shopping the store’s perimeter than in aisles. Or better yet, try a farmer’s market.
  • Eat Your Plants!
    • Fruits and vegetables contain natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients that can protect your brain.

Download for tips on Nutrition and Brain Health

 If you and your loved one want to stay as sharp as possible for as long as possible, make sure you check out these helpful tips.